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USC, L.A. and California's southland are inextricably linked. Our passion as a great private research university that serves the public good fosters a symbiotic relationship across the city and throughout SoCal — advancing society and improving lives.
Researchers across USC have joined forces to uncover the connection between the air we breathe and lifelong brain health.
The closing event for Black History Month at USC draws more than 2,000 attendees to Founders Park.
Some of the foremost innovators in hip-hop are part of the Trojan Family. USC artists and scholars look back on 50 years of the art form – and forward to its future evolution.
Americans are united on core principles like the importance of public education and parental involvement, but diverge on the details, a new USC study suggests.
Americans are united on core principles like the importance of public education and parental involvement, but diverge on the details, a new USC study suggests.
The officers and the young volunteers pitched in at World Harvest’s annual pre-Thanksgiving food drive, distributing a variety of food including Thursday’s main dish.
USC experts explain why polarization erodes civility in public discourse, turning private citizens and elected officials into targets.
Looking at the solar eclipse without protective eyewear can cause blindness. Here’s how to view it safely.