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Faculty Research
A USC study may open life-saving opportunities for Hispanic patients, who are one-third less likely to find a fully matched donor from the national registry than white patients
University News
USC Earth scientists aid in the exploration of the solar system — including the search for signs of extraterrestrial life.
COMMENCEMENT: Ana Luiza Behisnelian is using her environmental engineering degree to take on the mission of protecting one of our planet’s most important resources.
University News
USC’s Shannon Gibson says that with international climate talks failing to make progress fast enough, activists are radically rethinking how to be most effective in the streets, political arenas and courtrooms.
Frontiers of Computing
USC researcher Luca Luceri is co-leading an effort to identify and characterize influence campaigns on social media.
The survey by USC, CSULB and Cal Poly Pomona shows many likely voters remain undecided, and that Garvey’s history with the Dodgers isn’t boosting his chances.
The officers and the young volunteers pitched in at World Harvest’s annual pre-Thanksgiving food drive, distributing a variety of food including Thursday’s main dish.
COMMENCEMENT: Fung was 21 years old when she broke her neck and became paralyzed from the chest down.