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USC Thornton will host the premier music writing and pop music studies conference, bringing such luminaries as George Clinton, Wendy & Lisa, dream hampton and Danyel Smith to the University Park Campus.
The spending included significant investments in USC President Carol Folt’s “moonshots” in computing, health and sustainability.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will step down as GOP leader in November. McConnell, the longest-serving Senate leader in U.S. history, is set to depart amidst mounting speculation over his health and ongoing conflict within the party. USC experts on politics and aging discuss.
Improvements to the arena are part of USC President Carol Folt’s athletics “moonshot,” which aims to empower the university’s student-athletes to compete at the highest level athletically and academically.
University News
Resources are available for those on USC campuses who may be in need of support.
USC experts have developed an AI tool that could help homeless service agencies avoid potential biases in housing allocation.
Narayanan, a multidisciplinary scholar with the mind of a scientist and the heart of a musician, sees technology as a powerful force for positive change.
Social Impact
USC experts have developed an AI tool that could help homeless service agencies avoid potential biases in housing allocation.