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USC experts unpack the nuanced realities driving the United States’ immigration debate.
The collaboration establishes an after-school program and fellowships that will put 750 young students and adults a year on the path to STEAM careers.
AI has the potential to diminish the human experience in several ways. writes USC Dornsife’s Joe Árvai. One particularly concerning threat is to the ability to make thoughtful decisions.
The university and Techstars will work together to accelerate opportunities for USC-affiliated entrepreneurs, including students, faculty and alumni.
President Carol Folt and other speakers explore the theme, “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.”
President Carol Folt and other speakers explore the theme, “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.”
A study shows that Australia’s wetlands take the brunt of a cyclone's power, preventing billions in damage.
University News
During difficult times, the university receives questions from students and others about resources available from USC. The university has consolidated a number of informational and support resources onto one web page for easier reference.
Rats fed a diet full of fat and sugar in adolescence suffered memory impairment, USC researchers found. The study reinforces the important link between the gut and the brain.