Knowing the actual costs of dementia could help families plan their budgets and support needs, inform treatment and caregiving options, and shape health care policy.
Solving Problems
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The USC-based Statewide California Earthquake Center developed CyberShake, a computational platform that simulates hundreds of thousands of earthquakes to calculate regional seismic hazard models.
Study finds that patients who received brochures about risks, alternatives and tapering recommendations were more likely to successfully quit taking benzodiazepine medications.
A recent USC study finds concerns about hospitals offering medical payment products may be overblown.
The spending included significant investments in USC President Carol Folt’s “moonshots” in computing, health and sustainability.
Three USC education experts discuss how AI is influencing learning, the prospects it offers and the moral dilemmas we need to confront.
It’s difficult to moderate content on real-time social media platforms. Two researchers from USC Viterbi’s Information Sciences Institute are out to change that.
How many fast-food joints you come across throughout your day has a lot to do with your health, says Abigail Horn of USC’s Information Sciences Institute.
USC experts have developed an AI tool that could help homeless service agencies avoid potential biases in housing allocation.